Health and Fitness
About Health and Fitness at Rainier View
We are so excited that your child is at Rainier View. We have many opportunities for your child to be active and improve their health while at school.
- Health and Fitness class
- Intramurals (Sports, "Wii Wednesday," playground games, Fitness Club)
- Recess activities
- 3rd-5th Soccer
- 4th-5th Basketball
- 3rd-5th Tennis
- K-5th Track
Experts recommend children receive at least 60 minutes of physical activity each and every day. Please help your child meet these recommendations by helping them to seek opportunities to be active outside of school. Posted on this site in the upcoing month you will find activity calendars and information about how kids can find movement opportunities around Federal Way.
Health & fitness are critical to quality of life. Making healthy choices not only affects the student’s health but that of their community as well. A healthy lifestyle allows students to be productive in society and make the most of their lives. The philosophy of the Rainier View Health and Fitness class is for students to have funwhile being physically active and acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for them to understand and appreciate the benefits of regular exercise and proper nutrition throughout their lives.
In Health and Fitness class, students will experience and learn various developmentally appropriate movements, activities, and games; as well as safety concerns, fitness, nutrition, and health concepts. Health and Fitness uses priority standards to guide student learning and assess their improvement. The priority standards can be found on the district site and in “kid friendly” language on the health and fitness webpage.
In order to provide the best possible experience for your child, we must all work together as a team to have them dress appropriately for physical activity! Please remind your child to WEAR proper shoes (tennis/sneaker). They are required. Wearing inappropriate shoes is a safety concern and may restrict student performance and activity level. If students have a hard time remembering, please post a note at home or ask your classroom teacher if they may keep a pair of athletic shoes in their classroom. Students are reminded before each class to make sure they have their shoes secured. Lose shoes increase the likelihood of injury and can restrict performance.
Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. Therefore, your child’s participation is very important. If she/he is sick or unable to participate in all activities, please let me know via note or phone call prior to the scheduled class. It would be helpful if the note states the specific nature of the ailment and your suggested restrictions. If you ever have any questions or comments please let me know. I look forward to a wonderful year working with you and your child.
Best regards,
Mr. Thomas
Contact Us
Chris Thomas
Health & Fitness Specialist
Room: Gymnasium
(253) 945-3719