Our School Goals
Our school goals align with the district strategic plan:
Goal 2 – Whole Child: Thriving, Confident, Responsible Individuals.
Pride Points
Area of Focus:
Tier II PBIS and a school-wide MTSS System will provide additional systems for instruction and differentiation to support positive behaviors. Eliminating 100% disproportionality in discipline data.
Goal 4 – Content-Area Competence: Mastery of All Subjects
Pride Points
- Use principles of UDL to design learning that provides challenge, attainability, and access to grade-level standards for each scholar.
- In order to support high quality instruction in reading, 100% of our primary classrooms have implemented the researched based essential strategy filled comprehensive reading curriculum Fundations.
Area of Focus
Our focus is on high quality instruction in order to ensure 80% of our scholars are meeting or exceeding grade level standards in math and reading. We will be using formative assessments and feedback to guide instruction.